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Wasze Staty
Whis napisany: 26.02.2007 20:00 Link Do Tego Posta

dołączył: 22.02.2007
posty: 316
rp: 20858
skąd: Vice City
Wpisujcie swoje staty możecie cześć ale ja dam całe:

Outfit: Army Fatigures
Money - $05780124

Golf club
Molotov: 1548
Equalizer: 2915-6
Stubby Shotgun: 4502
SMG: 9969-30
Assault Rifle: 9969-30
M249: 9784-100
Sniper: 2197


Criminal Rating - Hitman
Percentage completed - 98,2%
Mission attempts - 198
Current playing time - 0:08
Total playing Time - 50:17
Days passed in game - 180
Number of saves - 220

Empire statistics:
Total cash spent on empire development - 378800,00$
Total cash spent on empire repair - 5500,00$
Biggest payday - 78600,00$
Total empire earnings 6017316,00$
Number of empire sites vance owned - 30 out of 30
Percentage empire sites Vance owned - 100%
Attacks successful - 100%
Sites successfully defended - 33%

Proection Racket:
Current respect level - Ultimate baddas
Jobs completed - 16

Loan shark:
Current respect level - Crim-reaper
Jobs completed - 16

Current respect level - Mack daddy
Jobs completed - 15

Current respect level - Smack daddy
Jobs completed - 6

Current respect level - Pirate captain
Jobs completed - 6

Current respect level - Heist Meister
Jobs completed - 6

Rampages passed - 30 out of 30
Red ballons burst - 99 out of 99
People you've wasted - 3107
Number of necks snapped - 8
People wasted by others - 586
Cars exploded - 517
Boats destroyed - 55
Aircrafts destroyed - 29
Tires popped with gunfire - 419
Total wanted stars attainded - 478
Total wanted stars evaded - 358
Times you've been busted - 0
Times you've been wasted - 1
Number of headshots - 47
Daily police spending - 44446,00$
Least favorite gang - Bikers
Gang members wasted - 1632
Criminal wasted - 7
Kgs of explosives used - 263
Bullets fired - 18684
Bullets that hit - 11556
Accuracy - 61%
Distance travelled on foot (miles) - 126,09
Distance travelled by swimming (miles) - 5,83
Distance travelled by car (miles) - 534,31
Distance travelled by bike (miles) - 301,23
Distance travelled by boat (miles) - 116,63
Distance travelled by air (miles) - 223,39
Total distance travelled (miles) - 1307,49
Longest insane jump distance (m) - 125,00
Greatest insane jump height (m) - 17,00
Maximum insane jump flips - 2
Maximum insane jump rotation - 601

Greatest insane stunt
Perfect double insane stunt
Unique jumps passed - 29 out of 30
Longest wheelie time (secs) - 4
Longest wheelie distance (m) - 165,89
Longest stoppie time (secs) - 0
Longest stoppie distance (m) - 0,00
Longest face plant (m) - 37,29
Longest 2 wheels time (secs) - 2
Longest 2 wheels distance (m) - 11,01

Total vigilante justice served - 98
Highest vigilante level - 15
Patients saved - 168
Highest paramedic level - 15
Total fires extinguished - 93
Highest firefighter level - 15

Vehicles seized for Civil Asset Forteifeiutre impound - 32 out of 32
Most damage caused on Crash - 3490,00$
Fastest time on mashin up the mall - 4:25
Fastest time on harbor hover race - 3:34
Highest air rescue level - 15
Highest vice sights level - 5
Highest fie copter level - 5
Highest beach patrol level - 15

Fastest time on Crims on Wings - 3:30
Fastest time on playground on the town - 1:26
Fastest time on playground on the point - 1:22
Fastest time on Land. Sea and air ace - 4:23
Fastest time on skywolf - 3:08
Best score at the driving range - 911
Furthest drive on the range (m) - 134,67
Best score on phill's shooting range - 12000
Best time on phill's shooting range - 5:46
Best accuracy on phill's shooting range - 55%

Escobar run-way
Best position - 1
Fastest time - 2:51
Fastest lap - 1:24

Downton showdown
Best position - 1
Fastest time - 2:40
Fastest lap - 1:13

Port sports
Best position - 1
Fastest time - 2:12
Fastest lap - 1:02

Rum& Salsa sting
Best position - 1
Fastest time - 2:14
Fastest lap - 2:14

Cuban wheels
Best position - 1
Fastest time - 1:51
Fastest lap - 0:54

Fools rush
Best position - 1
Fastest time - 1:57
Fastest lap - 0:56

High Stakes Highway
Best position - 1
Fastest time - 1:59
Fastest lap - 1:59

Asphalt assault
Best position - 1
Fastest time - 2:49
Fastest lap - 1:16

Supercharged circuit
Best position - 1
Fastest time - 2:27
Fastest lap - 1:11


Course 1
Fastest Time - 2:35
Fastest Lap - 0:46

Course 2
Fastest Time - 3:16
Fastest Lap - 0:58

Course 3
Fastest Time - 3:10
Fastest Lap - 0:55

Course 4
Fastest Time - 2:27
Fastest Lap - 0:44

Course 5
Fastest Time - 3:39
Fastest Lap - 1:06

Course 6
Fastest Time - 6:18
Fastest Lap - 0:1:58

Course 7
Fastest Time - 4:56
Fastest Lap - 1:35

Course 8
Fastest Time - 6:14
Fastest Lap - 1:59

Sanchez time trial

Course 1
Fastest Time - 1:51
Fastest Lap - 0:34

Course 2
Fastest Time - 1:34
Fastest Lap - 0:29

Course 3
Fastest Time - 1:59
Fastest Lap - 0:38

Course 4
Fastest Time - 1:10
Fastest Lap - 0:22

Course 5
Fastest Time - 1:31
Fastest Lap - 0:30

Course 6
Fastest Time - 2:27
Fastest Lap - 0:44

Course 7
Fastest Time - 2:03
Fastest Lap - 0:44

Course 8
Fastest Time - 1:58
Fastest Lap - 0:39

Course 9
Fastest Time - 1:57
Fastest Lap - 0:38

Course 10
Fastest Time - 2:48
Fastest Lap - 0:54

Course 11
Fastest Time - 2:47
Fastest Lap - 0:54

Course 12
Fastest Time - 2:47
Fastest Lap - 0:54

Maximum air (m) - 8,40

BMX time trial

Course 1
Fastest Time - 1:18
Fastest Lap - 0:22

Course 2
Fastest Time - 1:20
Fastest Lap - 0:26

Course 3
Fastest Time - 1:17
Fastest Lap - 0:22

Course 4
Fastest Time - 1:24
Fastest Lap - 0:27

Course 5
Fastest Time - 1:36
Fastest Lap - 0:30

Course 6
Fastest Time - 1:31
Fastest Lap - 0:28

Course 7
Fastest Time - 1:27
Fastest Lap - 0:27

Course 8
Fastest Time - 2:24
Fastest Lap - 0:46

Maximum air (m) - 4,40

Quad bike time trial

Course 1
Fastest Time - 1:21
Fastest Lap - 0:23

Course 2
Fastest Time - 1:30
Fastest Lap - 0:27

Course 3
Fastest Time - 1:14
Fastest Lap - 0:23

Course 4
Fastest Time - 1:24
Fastest Lap - 0:25

Maximum air (m) - 6,20

Photos taken - 5
Fish fed - 0
Most favorite radio station - Flash FM
Last Favorite radio station - V-Rock
Pay'n spray visits - 40
Weapon budget - 105390,00$
Auto repair and painting budget - 3100,00$
Property destroyed -2489531,00$
Highest media attention - International crisis
Outfit changes - 7
Outfit avaliable:
Army fatigues
Trailer trash
Cuban Style
Pastel suit
Hired Muscle
Smart suit
Wet suit

Pisałem to ponad póltorej godziny i mnie trochę ręka boli

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tmster napisany: 26.02.2007 20:15 Link Do Tego Posta

dołączył: 03.06.2005
posty: 1413
rp: 10758
skąd: Nowy Sącz
o ile pamietam to na gtg jest specjalny dział poświęcony statystykom ??


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Mumol napisany: 26.02.2007 20:43 Link Do Tego Posta
Mtz popsuł

dołączył: 07.07.2006
posty: 298
rp: 25277
Tylko ... Po co komu to wiedzieć ? Nie potrzebnie się męczyłeś : O

Jeśli wydaje Ci się że wiesz wszystko... masz racje, wydaje Ci sie.
Rubryka moich Banów :
Bany GTG : 10
Bany IP : 2
Ostrzeżenia : 1
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sdr napisany: 26.02.2007 21:07 Link Do Tego Posta

dołączył: 02.02.2004
posty: 1704
rp: 91332
hmzz nie da się statów wygenerować tak jak w pecetowych wersjach do pliku html? jeśli tak i już ktoś koniecznie chce pokazać tu swoje statsy to proszę nie przepisywac, nie kopiować i wklejać tylko wrzucać wygenerowany plik html na jakiś serwek i podawać tu tylko link. dziękuję za uwagę, pips gratuluję cierpliwości...

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Patryk napisany: 27.02.2007 14:48 Link Do Tego Posta

dołączył: 27.12.2005
posty: 762
rp: 21003
skąd: Lublin
No namachał się chłopak, pytanie w jakim celu.

edit by sdr:
dobra. widzę, że ten temat nie ma większych szans na przetrwanie i raczej umrze śmiercią naturalną. skrócę jego cierpienia...

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· Obecny czas: 17.02.2025 04:00
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